Use of lithium and the risk of injurious motor vehicle crash in elderly adults: case-control study nested within a cohort

We used a case-control approach on data from a cohort that has been described previously.3 Briefly, we used the Universal Quebec Automobile Insurance Agency to identify all 224 734 drivers aged between 67 and 84 years in the province of Quebec at 1 June 1990 and followed them up to 31 May 1993. To be included in the cohort subjects needed to have a valid driver's licence and to have lived in Quebec for at least two years before 1 June 1990. Cohort subjects were followed up until they reached the age of 85 or emigrated from Quebec or until 31 May 1993, whichever was the earliest. We defined the study outcome as subjects' involvement, as drivers, in a motor vehicle crash in which at least one person sustained a physical injury. Cases were subjects who had any such crash during the follow up period, and the date of their first crash was taken as the index date. Controls were a 6% random sample of the cohort, and their index dates were randomly selected during the follow up.