Adverse reactions and immunogenicity in adults to regular and increased dosage of diphtheria vaccine

Booster doses of 3 Lf or 7.5 Lf of a regular diphtheria vaccine were given to 200 previously immunized adult volunteers. The toxoid was prepared from toxin with a purity of 2100 Lf/mg protein nitrogen and adsorbed to aluminium phosphate. Systemic reactions were rare and no severe symptoms were observed. Local reactions occurred in 40–50% of the vaccinees, but in only 7.5% were they of clinical significance, i.e. an area of redness/swelling >5 cm. The two doses did not cause significant differences in reaction rates, and the 7.5 Lf dose elicited a better antitoxin response. Thus, a dose of 7.5 Lf diphtheria toxoid of similar purity can safely be given to adults in vaccines.