Synthesis and Turnover of Nitrate Reductase in Corn Roots

The induction and reinduction of nitrate reductase in root tip or mature root sections show essentially a similar pattern: a lag, a period of rapid increase in enzyme activity and finally a period of relatively minor change. Both inductions are sensitive to 6-methylpurine and cycloheximide. Kinetic studies with 6-methylpurine suggest that the half-life of the messenger RNA for nitrate reductase in both sections is about 20 minutes. The rate of decay of nitrate reductase activity induced by transfer to a nitrate-free medium is slower in root tips (t½ = 3 hours) than in mature root sections (t½ = 2 hours). The enzyme from mature root sections is also less stable to mild heat treatments (27 C; 40 C) than the enzyme from root tip sections. The results indicate that factors regulating enzyme turnover show important changes as root cells mature and may be significant in determining steady state levels of the enzyme.