Fractures and Fracture Dislocations of the Midfoot: Occurrence, Causes and Long-term Results

Etiology and outcome of 155 patients with midfoot fractures between 1972 and 1997 were analyzed to create a basis for treatment optimization. Cause of injuries were traffic accidents (72.2%), falls (11.6%), blunt injuries (7.7%) and others (5.8%). Isolated midfoot fractures (I) were found in 55 (35.5%) cases, Lisfranc fracture dislocations (L) in 49 (31.2%), Chopart-Lisfranc fracture dislocations (CL) in 26 (16.8%) and Chopart fracture dislocations (C) in 25 (16%). One hundred and forty eight (95%) of the midfoot fractures were treated operatively; 30 with closed reduction, 115 with open reduction, 3 patients had a primary amputation. Seven (5%) patients were treated non-operatively. Ninety seven (63%) patients had follow-up at an average of 9 (1.3–25, median 8.5) years. The average scores of the entire follow-up group were as follows: AOFAS – sum of all four sections (AOFAS-ET): 296, AOFAS-Midfoot (AOFAS-M): 71, Hannover Scoring System (HSS): 65, and Hannover Questionnaire (Q): 63. Regarding age, gender, cause, time from injury to treatment and method of treatment no score differences were noted (t-test: p > 0.05). L, C or I showed similar scores and CL significantly lower scores (AOFAS-ET, AOFAS-M, HSS, Q). The highest scores in all groups were achieved in those fractures treated with early open reduction and operative fixation. Midfoot fractures, particularly fracture dislocation injuries, effect the function of the entire foot in the long-term outcome. But even in these complex injuries, an early anatomic (open) reduction and stable (internal) fixation can minimize the percentage of long-term impairment.