Comparison of L X-Ray Spectra from Multi-Stripped Ions in P+ + Ar and S+ + Ar Gas Collisions at 100 keV

Structure in the soft x-ray spectra from projectiles excited in ion-atom collisions at 100 keV has been observed. Previous spectral measurements on these collision systems using a curved crystal Bragg spectrometer were unable to experimentally resolve the multiplet structure. The present results are obtained with a grazing incidence monochrometer and clearly show the resolved structure from L x-rays of neon-like and flourine-like ions. The L x-ray spectra from phosphorus and sulfur ions after single collisions in argon gas targets are compared to establish x-ray line identifications. The individual spectra yield information on the collision mechanism involving the inner-shell promotion of L-shell electrons and the simultaneous outer-shell electron excitation.