Embryonal rhabdomyosarcomas of the head and neck are rare. Their occurrence in adults is particularly unusual. Moore and Grossi1 reviewed 37 cases, the oldest patient being only 12 years of age. The prognosis is very poor and rapid recurrence is the usual course following either radiation or surgery. Although they are generally considered to be radioresistant, Moore and Grossi found many of them to be radiosensitive. This case is reported because the patient is an adult, age 46, and because of the good response to surgical treatment. Report of Case A 46-year-old housewife was seen first in May, 1958, because of swelling of the right side of her nose for two months. Epiphora had been present on the right for five months. For one month a white mass had been visible in the right nasal vestibule and one week before admission she had brief but brisk epistaxis from the