Study of the phase diagrams of the two-component electron-hole liquid in stressed germanium

We present a theoretical study of the phase equilibria of the electron-hole drop (EHD) containing two inequivalent electron species ("hot" and "cold" electrons) in 111-stressed Ge. We assume that transitions between the hot and cold electron states can be ignored and that the exchange-correlation energy density of the EHD depends only on the total density of the two electron species. We predict that for intermediate values of the stress at T=0 the EHD separates into two phases if the concentration of hot electrons in the EHD is not too high. One phase consists entirely of cold electrons and holes while the other phase contains both hot and cold electrons. We also discuss the phase diagrams of this system at finite temperatures. A variety of phase diagrams is predicted, different ones for different stress values. If our predictions are verified experimentally the two-component EHD would be a unique laboratory system whose closest analog is the fluid of neutrons and protons in neutrons stars.