Novel theory of the HD dipole moment. II. Computations

In the preceding paper we derived a new theory of the dipole moments of homopolar but isotopically asymmetric molecules (such as HD, HT, and DT) in which the electrical asymmetry appears directly in the electronic Hamiltonian (in an appropriate Born-Oppenheimer separation) and the dipole moment may be computed as a purely electronic property. In the present paper we describe variation-perturbation calculations and convergence studies on the dipole moment for HD, which is found to have the value 8.51×104 debye at 1.40 a.u. Using the two alternative formulations of the electronic problem, we can provide a test of basis-set adequacy and convergence of the results, and such convergence studies are reported here. We have also computed vibration-rotation transition matrix elements and these are compared with experimental and other theoretical results.