Contribution of a time-dependent and hyperpolarization-activated chloride conductance to currents of resting and hypotonically shocked rat hepatocytes

Hepatocellular Clflux is integral to maintaining cell volume and electroneutrality in the face of the many transport and metabolic activities that describe the multifaceted functions of these cells. Although a significant volume-regulated Clcurrent (VRAC) has been well described in hepatocytes, the Clchannels underlying the large resting anion conductance have not been identified. We used a combination of electrophysiological and molecular approaches to describe potential candidates for this conductance. Anion currents in rat hepatocytes and WIF-B and HEK293T cells were measured under patch electrode-voltage clamp. With K+-free salts of Clcomprising the major ions externally and internally, hyperpolarizing steps between −40 and −140 mV activated a time-dependent inward current in hepatocytes. Steady-state activation was half-maximal at −63 mV and 28–38% of maximum at −30 to −45 mV, previously reported hepatocellular resting potentials. Gating was dependent on cytosolic Cl, shifting close to 58 mV/10-fold change in Clconcentration. Time-dependent inward Clcurrents and a ClC-2-specific RT-PCR product were also observed in WIF-B cells but not HEK293T cells. All cell types exhibited typical VRAC in response to dialysis with hypertonic solutions. DIDS (0.1 mM) inhibited the hepatocellular VRAC but not the inward time-dependent current. Antibodies against the COOH terminus of ClC-2 reacted with a protein between 90 and 100 kDa in liver plasma membranes. The results demonstrate that rat hepatocytes express a time-dependent inward Clchannel that could provide a significant depolarizing influence in the hepatocyte.