Wide-Bandwidth Constant-Beamwidth Acoustic Array

A linear broadside array can be made to have constant beamwidth over wide frequency ranges by using logarithmic element spacing and the proper filtering and combination of signals from the elements. Such an array is achieved by choosing the array size and linear element spacing to give the desired beamwidth and side-lobe suppression at the lowest frequency of interest. An identical array at twice the frequency will be half as long with half the spacing. When the signals from these two arrays are properly filtered and combined constant beamwidth over an octave band results. When the arrays are superimposed, redundancy allows a reduction in the number of elements. This process can be continued to cover the desired bandwidth and a log spacing results. Results obtained from a five-element array covering 0.3 to 3 kHz are presented. [Partially supported by LTV-Electrosystems.]

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