Second‐harmonic wave is generated in type‐1 and type‐2 cuts of KH2PO4 crystal by using a diverging Nd+3–glass laser beam. Angular full width at half‐maximum of the conversion efficiencies are measured by recording the diverging output on photographic emulsion. Thermo‐optic and electro‐optic tuning sensitivities for the two types of crystal cuts are measured accurately from the recorded diverging output beam. The measured thermo‐optic tuning sensitivities are 0.005 46±4×105 deg/°C for type‐1 and 0.0143±4×104 deg/°C for type‐2, and the measured electro‐optic tuning sensitivities are 0.004 37±3×105 deg/kV cm for type‐1, and zero for type‐2.