Computerized Depression Screening and Awareness

The DEPRESSION Awareness, Recognition andTreatment (D/ART) program under the sponsorship of theNational Institutes of Health has made consistentefforts to help educate many communities around thenation about depression. One important aspect of thiseffort includes offering free screening for depressionto the general public. Since new technology oftenpromotes curiosity and interest, a computerizeddepression screening and awareness program was created touse at fairs and other local events. Individuals whoparticipated completed a computerized version of theCenter for Epidemiological Studies Depressed Mood Scale (CES-D) and then received a one pageprintout that described the common symptoms ofdepression, a score indicative of their level ofdepressed mood, a brief explanation of the score, and atelephone number where additional information could beobtained. This paper details the construction of thecomputerized version of the CES-D including anevaluation of psychometric properties and consumersatisfaction with the program.