Translesion synthesis is the main component of SOS repair in bacteriophage lambda DNA

Agents that interfere with DNA replication in Escherichia coli induce physiological adaptations that increase the probability of survival after DNA damage and the frequency of mutants among the survivors (the SOS response). Such agents also increase the survival rate and mutation frequency of irradiated bacteriophage after infection of treated bacteria, a phenomenon known as Weigle reactivation. In UV-irradiated single-stranded DNA phage, Weigle reactivation is thought to occur via induced, error-prone replication through template lesions (translesion synthesis [P. Caillet-Fauquet, M: Defais, and M. Radman, J. Mol. Biol. 117:95-112, 1977]). Weigle reactivation occurs with higher efficiency in double-stranded DNA phages such as lambda, and we therefore asked if another process, recombination between partially replicated daughter molecules, plays a major role in this case. To distinguish between translesion synthesis and recombinational repair, we studied the early replication of UV-irradiated bacteriophage lambda in SOS-induced and uninduced bacteria. To avoid complications arising from excision of UV lesions, we used bacterial uvrA mutants, in which such excision does not occur. Our evidence suggests that translesion synthesis is the primary component of Weigle reactivation of lambda phage in the absence of excision repair. The greater efficiency in Weigle reactivation of double-stranded DNA phage could thus be attributed to some inducible excision repair unable to occur on single-stranded DNA. In addition, after irradiation, lambda phage replication seems to switch prematurely from the theta mode to the rolling circle mode.