Anomalous magnetization of amorphous TbFe2, GdFe2, and YFe2

Magnetization data are presented on sputter-deposited amorphous R Fe2 materials, where R represents the rare-earth elements Tb, Gd, and Y. Both the Tb and Gd compounds exhibit ferrimagnetic order with Curie temperatures approximately 40% lower than the equivalent crystalline Laves phase compounds. The 0 K saturation magnetizations of the Gd amorphous and crystalline materials are both equal to 3.9μB, while in the TbFe2 the magnetization is significantly lower in the amorphous phase (4.2μB vs 5.4μB for crystalline TbFe2). The YFe2 exhibits no long-range magnetic order above 3.5 K. At low temperatures large "coercive" fields appear for the TbFe2 and increase greatly in magnitude at temperatures below 40 K, reaching 30 kG at 4 K. A possible model to explain this and other effects associated with a large random-directional local anisotropy field is presented.