Occurrence of glyceryl tridocosahexaenoate in the eye of the sand troutCynoscion arenarius

The pigment epithelium of the eye of the sand trout (Cynoscion arenarius) contains a reflecting layer or tapetum lucidum, consisting of lipid spherules approximately 400 nm in diameter. The lipids consist amost exclusively of triglycerides and the fatty acids contain up to 95% docosahexaenoic acid. Thus the lipid of this reflecting layer appears to be nearly pure glyceryl tridocosahexaenoate. The adjacent tissues contain much less docosahexaenoic acid (retina 65%; choroid 9%) and little, if any, tridocosahexaenoin. The possible importance of this nearly pure, highly unsaturated, mono acid triglyceride is briefly discussed.