1. It was found that the environment determined by the hen, namely protein, fat and moisture, had no effect on the growth of the embryo during the first 14 d of development. 2. The amount of protein available influenced growth during the last week of incubation but the amount of fat and water had no effect. 3. The regression of embryo on egg weight for the pooled data of large (mean 62 g) and small (53 g) eggs was 0.85 + 0.06 at day 20. 4. Embryos from large eggs were significantly heavier than those from small eggs on day 20: this difference persisted to the end of the experiment at 56 d of age when it had increased to 100 g. 5. A 1‐g difference in egg weight was reflected in about a 10‐g difference in chick weight at 56 d of age.