Amino Acids in Postprandial Gut Contents of Man

The objective of the investigation was to determine the free amino acids in the lower duodenum of man 1.5 hours after ingestion of food. The 4 types of test meals consisted of lean beef, gelatin, eggs or milk. Subjects were 5 healthy males 21 to 64 years of age. Molar ratios of amino acids in the doudenal contents were different from those derivable from hydrolysis of the test meal proteins in vitro. For example, after gelatin ingestion, the amount of tryptophan present was as great as when the complete proteins of eggs and milk were ingested. It is concluded that large quantities of endogenous protein enter the duodenum of man during digestion and are mixed with ingested protein. On hydrolysis, this protein mixture yields an amino acid mixture for absorption which is quite different from that provided by the ingested protein alone.

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