Central distribution of efferent and afferent components of the pudendal nerve in rat

Summary Central distribution of efferent and afferent components of the pudendal nerve was examined in the rat by the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method after HRP application to the central cut end of the pudendal nerve. The pudendal motoneurons were located in the dorsolateral, dorsomedial and lateral groups at L5 and L6. Each of the dorsolateral and dorsomedial groups constituted a slender longitudinal cell column. Pudendal motoneurons in the lateral group were scattered at L5, rostrodorsally to the dorsolateral group. The neurons in the dorsolateral and lateral groups were labelled with HRP applied to the nerve branch innervating the ischiocavernosus and sphincter urethrae muscles. The neurons in the dorsomedial group were labelled with HRP applied to the branch supplying the sphincter ani externus and bulbospongiosus muscles. Some dendrites of pudendal motoneurons in the dorsomedial group extended to the contralateral dorsomedial group. These crossing dendrites were observed not only in male rats but also in female. The average number of the pudendal motoneurons in the dorsolateral and dorsomedial groups were larger in male rats than in female. A few neurons of the intermediolateral nucleus at upper L6 were also labelled with HRP applied to the dorsalis penis (clitoridis) nerve. Axon terminals of the pudendal nerve were distributed, bilaterally with an ipsilateral predominance, to the gracile nucleus, as well as to the dorsal horn and dorsal commissural gray from L4 to S2. A few labelled axons were seen in the intermediolateral nucleus at L6 and S1. Axon terminals from the dorsalis penis nerve were distributed more medially in the dorsal horn than those from the perinealis nerve.

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