Growth morphology of Streptomyces akiyoshiensis in submerged culture: influence of pH, inoculum, and nutrients

Most media in which the growth of shaken submerged cultures of Streptomyces akiyoshiensis was examined did not support the formation of well-dispersed mycelial suspensions. Investigation of the culture conditions promoting dispersed growth showed the pH of the culture medium to be of critical importance; an initial value of 5.5 minimized aggregation of the mycelium while supporting adequate biomass production. In cultures started at this pH, spore inocula gave better mycelial dispersal than did vegetative inocula; with spore inocula, growth morphology was also less affected by inoculum size. The composition of the nutrient solution influenced the extent of mycelial dispersal; slow growth was often associated with clumping but no clear correlation was observed between pellet formation and the ability of carbon or nitrogen sources to support rapid growth. Increasing the phosphate concentration from 0.5 to 15 mM caused a modest decrease in mycelial aggregation. Conditions promoting a well-dispersed mycelium suitable for studying the physiological control of secondary metabolism also supported the formation of 5-hydroxy-4-oxonorvaline by S. akiyoshiensis. Key words: Streptomyces akiyoshiensis, mycelial aggregation, growth conditions.

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