In VivoandIn VitroFormation of Dihydrocapsaicin in Sweet Pepper Fruits,Capsicum annuumL. var.grossum

Dihydrocapsaicin, one of pungent principles in Capsicum fruits, was formed and accumulated in sweet pepper fruits after 6 days’ post-harvest ripening under continuous light in a medium containing vanillylamine and isocapric acid. No capsaicinoids were formed in sweet pepper fruits ripened in the dark even in the presence of both vanillylamine and isocapric acid. The capsaicinoid newly formed during the ripening was almost exclusively dihydrocapsaicin, as much as 92.8% of the total capsaicinoids. Dihydrocapsaicin was also formed by cell-free extracts prepared from the sweet pepper fruits in a reaction mixture containing vanillylamine and isocapric acid. Dihydrocapsaicin formed was quantified by TLC, GLC, GC-MS and MF.