Optimal Stock Size and Harvest Rate in Multistage Life History Models

If the life history of a population consists of a sequence of density-dependent stages linked by density-independent survival rates, and if the density-dependent stages take the form of the Beverton–Holt stock and recruitment curve, then a single Beverton–Holt curve will describe the entire life history. The relationship between the parameters of any stage in the life history and the optimal harvest rate and optimal stock size is analyzed. Increasing survival rates will always increase the optimal harvest rate, but may increase or decrease the optimal stock size. Increasing the habitat capacity will increase the optimal stock size and leave the optimal harvest rate unaffected. An example of changing freshwater survival rates by Salmonid Enhancement is shown, as is an example of changing ocean survival rate. As we acquire a better understanding of the determinants of survival and habitat capacity, we should adjust harvest rates and stock size as the environment changes.

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