Strain‐dependency of Chromosomal Abnormalities in Lymphomas Developed in Eμ‐myc Transgenic Mice

We previously showed that B and T cell lymphoma development in Eμ (immunoglobulin heavy chain enhancer)‐mye transgenic mice is dependent on the mouse strain. To determine whether any non‐random chromosomal abnormality that was present was caused by variations in the lymphoma cell type or by a different genetic background, we crossed C3H transgenic mice with other inbred strains of mice, C57BL/6 or BALB/c. Cytogenetic analysis showed a high frequency of non‐random chromosomal aberrations, namely, duplication or amplification of part of chromosome 5 containing the transgene and trisomy of chromosome 1, 6, or 12 in the genetic background of C3HXC57BL/6 mouse and C3HxBALB/c mouse, respectively, regardless of cell type of lymphoma. These results suggest that non‐random chromosomal abnormalities in lymphoma cells are dependent on the genetic background of mouse, not on the tumor cell type in Eμ‐myc transgenic