Phaeoacremonium gen. nov. associated with wilt and decline diseases of woody hosts and human infections

A new hyphomycete genus, Phaeoacremonium, is proposed for five new species, P. aleophilum, P. angustius, P. chlamydosporum, P. inflatipes, P. rubrigenum, and the type species, P. parasiticum, which was formerly accommodated in Phialophora. Morphologically, the genus is intermediate between Acremonium and Phialophora. It is distinguished from Phialophora by its aculeate conidiogenous cells and inconspicuous collarettes, and from Acremonium by its pigmented vegetative hyphae and conidiophores. Because species of Phaeoacremonium have been associated with human infections and disease symptoms of several woody hosts, this new genus is considered to represent an ecologically important group of fungi.