Aggressive Biologic Behavior of Basal‐ and Squamous‐Cell Cancers in Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia or Chronic Lymphocytic Lymphoma

Three basal‐ and four squamous‐cell carcinomas in seven patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia or chronic lymphocytic lymphoma recurred repeatedly after conventional treatment, and grew to large sizes. The squamous‐cell carcinomas metastasized in all four of the patients so afflicted. Absolute numbers of circulating T lymphocytes were normal in the seven patients, but they had cutaneous anergy to intradermal tests with common antigens and to dinitrochlorobenzene. The following recommendations for management of cutaneous carcinomas in patients with malignant lymphomatoses are made: 1) closer surveillance than for patients with cutaneous cancers but without malignant lymphomatoses, 2) early treatment of actinic keratoses to prevent possible transformation to malignancy, and 3) microscopically controlled excision of basalor squamous‐cell carcinomas larger than 1 cm in diameter.