Lifetimes of States in 29Si, 27Al, and 26Mg

The recoil-distance method was used to measure the lifetimes of the 29Si, 3626 keV (7/2) level (4.2 ± 0.5 ps) from the 12C(19F,npγ)29Si reaction, the 26Mg, 1809 keV (2+) level (0.7 ± 0.3 ps) from the 12C-(19F,αpγ)26Mg reaction, and the 27Al, 843 keV (1/2+) level (45 ± 6 ps) from the 27Al(35Cl,35Cl)27Al Coulomb excitation reaction. The Doppler shift attenuation method was employed to determine the lifetime of the 27Al, 1013 keV (5/2+) level from the line shape for thick target Coulomb excitation by 67 MeV 35Cl. The results are compared with model predictions.

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