Exposure of Sheet‐Metal Workers to Asbestos during the Construction and Renovation of Commercial Buildings in New York City

New York City sheet-metal workers have a history of significant exposure to asbestos. Prior to 1972 when the use of sprayed asbestos insulation was banned in New York City, sheet-metal workers involved in building construction were exposed as they worked adjacent to spraying operations. Subsequent to that date, exposure continued as they renovated these same buildings. In 1982 the Occupational Health Program of Montefiore Medical Center and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine initiated a multidimensional asbestos evaluation and intervention program for the sheet-metal industry and union in New York. The long-term goal of the program was to eliminate asbestos exposure through the safe, systematic removal of asbestos in New York City buildings, most likely a legislated solution. In the short term, we attempted to assess and reduce asbestos exposure in the sheet-metal trade by a series of steps consisting of: mortality and morbidity studies; a medical audit of clinical screening services provided to sheet-metal workers; a comprehensive health education program; development of safe work practices; evaluation of personal protective equipment; and investigation into and support of legislative and regulatory solutions to the problem of asbestos contamination of commercial buildings. This intervention can be seen as a case study in the practice of social medicine.