In this investigation on samples of high‐ and low‐density polyethylene and ethylene‐vinyl acetate copolymers, crystallinities ϕW and crystalline densities ρcW were obtained with the aid of wide‐angle x‐ray scattering (WAXS) methods. From small‐angle x‐ray scattering (SAXS) the following characteristics were obtained either directly or by combination with the WAXS data: values, or limiting values, of the crystallinity ϕS; crystal densities ρcS; thicknesses of the diffuse boundary layer; number‐average thicknesses of the crystalline and amorphous layers; and both number and weight averages of the long periods. It was shown that a discrepancy between ϕS and ϕW cannot be attributed to the occurrence of large amorphous regions outside the regular stacks of lamellae; the data were reconciled by assuming that the WAXS crystallinities pertain to the cores of the crystalline lamellae, whereas part of the diffuse boundary layers is comprised in the values of ϕS. The ρcW and ρcS data of the nonlinear samples show systematic differences, which were attributed to partial incorporation of side groups in the crystalline regions at a concentration estimated to be of the order of 20–40% of the overall concentration. With increasing side‐group concentration, the thickness of the core of the crystalline lamellae was found to approach the average length of the linear chain segments between side groups. On the basis of these observations a scheme for the crystallization of nonlinear polyethylene is proposed according to which a number of side groups is encapsulated by the growing crystal. The data can be explained by assuming that all chains, offered at a crystal face where growth takes place, crystallize directly, irrespective of whether the crystallizing stem carries a side group. Further crystallization would then proceed by chain folding at both ends of the first stem, until a noncrystallizable unit is met. In this scheme, allowance is made for about half the stems in the crystals to be connected by folds; this is required in view of the “overcrowding” effect. Finally, the effect of cooling rate and molecular weight on the thicknesses of the crystalline and amorphous layers is discussed, and differences between the amorphous densities of high‐and low‐density polyethylene are noted.