The Spin-down Rate and X-Ray Flux of 1E 1048.1−5937

We present the results of observations of the pulsating X-ray source 1E 1048.1-5937 made with the ASCA GIS detectors. The source continues to exhibit spin-down at the faster rate reported from ROSAT observations rather than the slower spin-down rate initially measured. The X-ray spectrum can be satisfactorily fitted with a power-law model, and we cannot discriminate between this and the power law plus blackbody combination used for two other members of this class. The mean flux is approximately a factor of 3 weaker than measured with EXOSAT, which is consistent with X-ray emission being powered by accretion. While these results reinforce the similarity to 1E 2259+586, the pulsed fraction of 1E 1048.1-5937 is much larger with little energy dependence.

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