Effect of triethyltin chloride on the central aminergic neurotransmitters and their metabolites: Relationship with pathophysiology of aging

Triethyltin (TET) salt intoxication provokes a myelinic vacuolisation associated with a white matter cerebral edema. The central nervous system disturbances accompanying these phenomena (Na-ATPase activity, neurological symptoms, water and sodium cerebral content) can be counteracted by drugs used in age-related grain failure; consequently, TET intoxication could be suggested as an experimental model for studying the aging process. The aim of the present study is to follow-up the biogenic amine concentrations in different brain areas of TET treated rats, knowing that modifications of cerebral amines exist throughout the aging process. The following results are obtained; the cerebral water content of the TET treated rats is significantly increased, confirming the existence of a brain edema. Monoamine concentrations are significantly decreased, specifically noradrenaline (in hypothalamus, mesencephalon, cerebellum); serotonin (in striatum, hypothalamus, mesencephalon); dopamine only in hypothalamus; these are accompanied by an increase of the metabolites 5 HIAA (in striatum and mesencephalon) and HVA (striatum). These modifications are compared to those occurring in physiological aging, and hypothetical mechanisms are reviewed. We concluded that TET intoxication must not be considered as a pathophysiological model of brain aging, but may be considered as a useful pharmacological tool for studying experimental drugs liable to counteract brain age-induced disturbances.