Descriptions are given of 127 peaty soils from a depth of 10 cm. on characteristic British moorlands and bogs. Data are given for vegetation, pH potential (assumed to be redox), replaceable ferrous and ferric iron (by a thiocyanate test) and presence of nitrates (2 samples only). 4 main types of moorland and bog soils are tentatively recognized: (1) Oxidizing soils below pH 3.8 with Calluna vulgaris, Vaccinium myrtillus or Molinia coerulea dominant. (2) Reducing soils between pH 5.5 and 4.4 (approx.) with mixed vegetation of blanket bog or lacustrine bog types (3) Soils, feebly oxidizing at times, between pH 4.4 and 3.4 (approx.) with vegetation of raised bog or mixed upland moor. (4) Soils, feebly oxidizing at times, below pH 3.4, vegetation of cotton grass moor (Eriophorum vaginatum dominant). It is concluded that the development of acidity in these highly organic soils is related to oxidation.

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