Specific-heat jump at Tc for Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4y

The superconducting free-energy surface of grain-aligned Nd1.85 Ce0.15 CuO4y was measured to determine whether these electron-carrier materials have thermodynamic variables similar to the other high-temperature superconductors. There is a wide area in the H-T plane near Tc, where the magnetization is reversible, just as was found for the Y, Bi, and Tl cuprates. The magnetic-field dependence of the specific heat derived from these data, C0-CH, shows a peak in the fluctuation region near Tc of about 1.2 mJ/cm3 K for H=2 T and H∥c. At lower temperatures, below 16 K, the magnetically derived specific heat is nearly independent of field just as was found for the other high-Tc materials. A study of the transformation from the reversible to the irreversible regime using flux-creep and critical-current studies shows that the pinning potential to thermal energy ratio, Ueff/kT, gradually rises from 2 to 20 at roughly the same value of reduced temperature, T/Tc, as the Bi and Tl compounds.