Glyceride structure of vegetable oils by countercurrent distribution. II. Soybean oil

Summary: Soybean oil has been fractionated in a 200‐tube countercurrent distribution apparatus. Fractions have been obtained with iodine values both too high and too low to conform to an even distribution. From the weight distribution curve, iodine value, and spectrophotometric analyses the oil is estimated to contain 5.2% dilinoleo‐linolenin, 13.7% trilinolein, 9.2% oleolinoleo‐linolenin, and 25.2% oleo‐dilinolein. This composition is in agreement with a random distribution pattern. Also the fatty acid content of the more saturated fractions indicates the presence of disaturates and dioleins which are not permitted under an even distribution. Based upon this type of information, it is concluded that the fatty acids in soybean oil glycerides approach a random type of distribution.