The following members of Peronosporaceae are recorded for the first time from New Zealand: Peronospora myosotidis de Bary; and Plasmopara geranii (Peck.) Berl. et De Toni. Additional host records include: Basidiophora entospora Roze et Cornu on Erigeron canadensis L.; Peronospora calotheca De Baryon Galium aparine L.; P. chenopodii Schlecht on Chenopodium murale L.; P. grisea Unger on Hebe carnea (Armst.) Wall, on H. salicifolia (Forst. f.) Pennel, on H. speciosa (A. Cunn.) Ckn, and Allan, on H. stricta var. macroura (Benth.) L. B. Moore on Veronica catarractae Forst. f., and on V. tournefortii Gmel.; P. viciae (Berk.) de Bary on Vicia angustifolia All.; Pseudoperonospora cubensis (Berk. & Curt.) Rostowzew on Cucumis melo L.

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