Nuclear DNA amounts in angiosperms
- 27 May 1976
- journal article
- research article
- Published by The Royal Society in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B, Biological Sciences
- Vol. 274 (933) , 227-274
The number of angiosperm species for which nuclear DNA amount estimates have been made has nearly trebled since the last collected lists of such values were published, and therefore, publication of a more comprehensive list is overdue. This paper lists absolute nuclear DNA amounts for 753 angiosperm species. The data were assembled primarily for reference purposes, and so the species are listed in alphabetical order, as this was felt to be more helpful to cyto- and biochemists whom, it is anticipated, will be among its major users. The paper also reviews aspects of the history, nomenclature, methods, accuracy and problems of nuclear DNA estimation in angiosperms. No attempt is made to reconsider those aspects of nuclear DNA estimation which have been fully revised previously, although the bibliography of such aspects is given. Instead, the paper is intended as a source of basic information regarding the terminology, practice and limitations of nuclear DNA estimation, especially by Feulgen microdensitometry, as currently practiced.Keywords
This publication has 94 references indexed in Scilit:
- Quantitative karyology of some species ofLuzulaÖsterreichische botanische Zeitschrift, 1976
- The polytene nucleus of the giant hair cell ofBryonia anthersProtoplasma, 1975
- DNA content of colchicine-induced endopolyploid nuclei in vicia faba L.Heredity, 1975
- Cytophotometric factors causing apparent differences between Feulgen DNA contents of different leukocyte typesNature, 1974
- Nuclear DNA variation in PhaseolusChromosoma, 1974
- Uniformity of Radiation-induced Mutation Rates among Different SpeciesNature, 1973
- Nuclear DNA content and minimum generation time in herbaceous plantsProceedings of the Royal Society of London. B. Biological Sciences, 1972
- The duration of meiosis in pollen mother cells of wheat, rye andTriticaleProceedings of the Royal Society of London. B. Biological Sciences, 1971
- In vitro loss of nucleic acids from cells of aseptically cultured excised pea rootsPlanta, 1971
- The relationship of DNA content to nuclear and chromosome volumes and to radiosensitivity (LD50).Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1967