The entire reproductive tract with its mesentieries is removed intact and fixed in AFA (30 cc 95% alcohol, 10 cc commercial formalin, 10 cc glacial acetic acid, 50 cc water.) The tract is dehydrated through ascending alcohols, with two changes of each. A few drops peroxide are added to each of the 70 and 80% alcohols for bleaching. From 100% alcohol, the tracts are passed through 100% and benzol, to two changes of benzol, and to benzyl benzoate where the tract is stored and observed. Cleared material may subsequently be returned to benzol, infiltrated with paraffin and sectioned for histological study. The construction of a box providing oblique light for gross observations and photography, and the technique for study of fine detail with a dissecting microscope and photography with a Micro Ibso is discussed. Implantation sites prior to gestational swelling, placental scars, stages of development, abnormalities of development body form, skeletal structure, vascular pattern of the uterus and details of gross anatomy may be observed and studied in material prepared by the above technique.

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