Handicap: Common Physical Limitations and Clothing‐Related Needs

The researchers developed a data base for categorizing common physical limitation (CPL) groups across disabilities and identified the clothing and special needs of individuals in each group. A survey of a proportionate cross section of physically handicapped individuals between 16 and 64 years of age was carried out by a mailed questionnaire. Frequency data, obtained in response to a question on body parts and joints affected by their disability, established six CPL groups. These anatomically distinct groups are Lower Leg, Lower Torso, Hand, Upper Torso, Arm, and Neck. The feasibility of the classification system was substantiated by results from chi‐square analysis; a number of significant relationships between special clothing and dressings needs and one or more of the CPL groups were established. Also, the significant relationships between clothing style features and the CPL groups will allow formulation of guidelines for the clothing and dressing needs of each group.

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