ESR Study on Surface Properties of Semiconductor. II. III–V Compounds (GaAs, GaSb and InSb)

Crushed samples of III–V compounds (GaAs, GaSb and InSb) show a narrow ESR signal with g=2.0027±0.0003 after vacuum heat-treatment in vacuum. It is concluded that dipolar interaction between the ESR centers and the adsorbed O2 molecules broaden the line width and reduce the signal height. By assuming that the line broadening is proportional to the coverage of O2 molecules on the semiconductor surfaces, heat of adsorption Q is obtained for the physically adsorbed oxygen on the surface of III–V compounds; Q=1.9±0.3, 1.8±0.3 and 1.8±0.3 Kcal/mole for GaAs, GaSb and InSb respectively. The changes of the line width with air pressure suggest that some of O2 molecules on the surface condense to form O4 molecules at -150°C.