Structure and Properties of Polyurethanes Prepared from Triglyceride Polyols by Ozonolysis

Ozonolysis was used to obtain polyols with terminal primary hydroxyl groups and different functionalities from trilinolein (or triolein), low-saturation canola oil, and soybean oil. The functionality of the model polyol from triolein (trilinolein) was 3.0 and that of soy polyol was 2.5, due to the presence of unreactive saturated fatty acids, while canola gave a polyol with a functionality of 2.8. All polyols exhibited a high tendency to crystallize at room temperature. The resulting waxes had melting points comparable to that of paraffin and very low viscosities in the liquid state. The polyols were cross-linked using 4,4‘-methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) to give polyurethanes. Glass transitions (Tg) for the model-, canola-, and soy-based polyurethanes were 53, 36, and 22 °C, respectively. The about 30 °C lower Tg of the soy-based polyurethane than that of the model polyurethane was the result not only of lower functionality but also of the presence of saturated fatty acids in the former. Polyurethane from the canola polyol had intermediate cross-linking density and properties. These polyurethanes displayed excellent mechanical properties and higher glass transition temperatures compared to polyurethanes from epoxidized and hydroformylated polyols of the same functionality, presumably due to the absence or lower content of dangling chains in the former.