Otological manifestations of wegener's granulomatosis

The otological manifestations of Wegener's granulomatosis were studied in 13 patients; diagnosis was confirmed histologically in 10, and in 1 patient periarteritis nodosa presented similar appearances. One patient had destruction of the external ear, and several had refractory otitis externa, usually associated with otitis media: 3 patients had serous otitis media, 4 had purulent otitis media of a fairly mild course, while 6 had otitis media of a fulminant and long-lasting course, accompanied in 5 cases by cranial nerve palsy and in 2 by widespread destructions. Most patients had major sensory hearing loss. Two had short-lasting anacusis during exacerbation of the pulmonary lesions. Often, otological manifestations were the initial signs of the disease. It is important to bear this diagnosis in mind in cases of long-lasting and atypical inflammations and in the presence of peculiar constellations of symptoms from several different organ systems.