Expression of phospholipases γ1, β1, and δ1 in primary human colon carcinomas and colon carcinoma cell lines

The levels of expression of phosphoinositide‐specific phospholipase Cs (PLCs) were examined in a series of primary human colon carcinomas and in eight colon carcinoma cell lines by using monoclonal antibodies and cDNA probes for PLCγ1, PLCβ1, and PLCδ1. Western and northern blot analyses of PLCγ1 revealed elevated expression of this isozyme at both the protein and mRNA levels in most tumors when compared with paired adjacent normal mucosa samples (in 11 of 13 pairs in the western blots and 8 of 9 pairs in the northern blots). On the other hand, decreased levels of the PLCδ1 protein were seen in most colon carcinomas (12 of 13 paired samples). The levels of PLCβ1 protein were too low to detect possible differences between the carcinoma and normal mucosa samples. Relatively high expression of PLCγ1 was found in almost all of the eight human colon carcinoma cell lines at both the protein and mRNA levels. Only weak expression of PLCβ1 was detected in these cell lines, by both western and northern blot analyses, and PLCδ1 protein was not detected in any of the carcinoma cell lines. These findings provide evidence that colon carcinomas display altered expression of individual isoforms of PLCs and suggest that increased expression of PLCγ1 may play an important role in colon carcinogenesis. © 1995 Wiley‐Liss Inc.