Changes in Performance on Wais, Trail Making Test and Finger Tapping Test Associated with Carotid Artery Surgery

47 patients with vascular disease were divided into small vessel disease group (SVD), large vessel disease operated group (LVD-O) and large vessel disease nonoperated group (LVD-N). They were tested during their first hospitalization and at a follow-up some months later. There were no significant changes for any group on the Trail Making Test and on the Finger Tapping Test. On the WAIS the SVD made significant gains on the Verbal IQ (VIQ), Performance IQ (PIQ) and Full Scale IQ (FSIQ); the LVD-O made significant gains on PIQ and FSIQ; and the LVD-N made no significant gains on any of the three scores. Dividing the LVD-O by lesion laterality, the leftside lesioned group made significant gains on PIQ and FSIQ, while the right-side lesioned group made significant gains on all three measures.