The rotation-vibration bands in the water vapor spectrum lying in the bolometric infra-red have been completely remeasured. In this paper the measurements are reported on the bands ν2 and 2ν2. An analysis of the complicated rotational structure has been carried out. From the interpretation of the data the value of the normal frequency ν2 and the anharmonic constant U22 have been calculated as well as the values of the moments of inertia effective in these two vibration states. The frequency ν2 is found to take the value 1653.8 cm1 and the anharmonic constant U22=19.25 cm1. For the states ν2 and 2ν2 the effective moments of inertia take the values Ix(e)=0.905×1040 g cm2, Iy(e)=1.902×1040 g cm2, Iz(e)=3.054×1040 g cm2 and Ix(e)=0.775×1040 g cm2, Iy(e)=1.895×1040 g cm2, Iz(e)=3.095×1040 g cm2, respectively. The values arrived at for the above constants serve to confirm the theory of the water vapor molecule.