Successful dual cultures of P. viticola and grapevine (''Cabernet Sauvignon'' and ''Cabernet Franc'') were achieved by tissue culture techniques. A simple and rapid method of inoculation of produce large numbers of dual cultures for experiments is described. Following inoculation, sporangia were produced on leaves and stems after 5 days and leaf chlorosis appeared 7 days later. Viable sporangia were maintained in culture for 12 wk, and regular subculture of grapevines and reinoculation with sporangia maintained dual cultures for 9 mo. The dual cultures were used to demonstrate the systemic and curative properties of metalaxyl on grapevine downy mildew. The system may be used to screen fungicides or to compare these properties in various fungicides. The system could also be used to screen grape cultivars rapidly for resistance to P. viticola.