The kidney (pig, beef) is one of the most favorable diet factors in promoting rapid red cell and hemoglobin production during periods of severe anemia in dogs. Two hundred-300 gm. of cooked kidney in the daily diet may cause production of 60-100 gm. of hemoglobin per 2 weeks'' diet period, above controls. The kidney may be concerned with pigment conservation and storage of potential pigment substances. A ration of cooked chicken livers containing 150-400 gm. per day results in 60-110 gm. of hemoglobin per 2 weeks'' period, over controls. There may be moderate increase in hemoglobin index, possibly indicating that hemoglobin is formed somewhat more rapidly than red cell stroma. Fish liver is almost inert as a diet factor, and it has been previously shown that a variety of fish muscle is also practically inert. If fed in liberal amounts, whole fish may cause slight increase in hemoglobin[long dash]5-20 gm. per 2 weeks'' period, over controls.