Cost of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a common identifiable teratogenic cause of mental retardation, neurological deficit, mental disorders, and developmental disabilities. Accurate estimates of the cost of care for persons with FAS are essential for appropriate funding of health care, developmental disabilities services, special education, and other service systems, as well as prioritizing funding of public health prevention efforts. The cost of care for individuals with FAS can be conceptualized as the annual cost of care for one person or a population, or as the lifetime cost of care for an individual. Annual cost estimates for the United States range from $75 million in 1984 to $4.0 billion in 1998. Estimates of lifetime cost vary from $596,000 in 1980 to $1.4 million in 1988. After adjustments for changes in inflation and population, 2002 estimates of total annual cost and lifetime cost are higher. FAS is increasingly being recognized as a large public health problem with high potential for the prevention of future cases and for the prevention of excess disability and premature mortality in persons who are affected. Each day, from 6–22 infants with FAS are born in the United States, and as many as 87–103 more are born with other impairments resulting from prenatal alcohol exposure. Updated and improved cost data on FAS should be a research priority.