Clusterin levels increase during neuronal development

The expression of clusterin has been shown to be elevated in several models of experimentally induced programmed cell death and in association with a number of neurodegenerative conditions. In order to test whether this protein is expressed in neurons during development, the expression of clusterin was examined in the developing nervous system, using immunohistochemistry and mRNA analysis. Clusterin expression was observed in the earliest neurons of the cortical plate on embryonic day (E) 12. Thereafter, the intensity of clusterin staining continued to increase in an age-dependent manner, with the greatest intensity of staining being found in the postnatal mature brain. Virtually all neurons were clusterin-positive and there was no evidence for the appearance of clusterin-positive cells specifically during epochs of programmed neuronal death in the embryo. This study suggests that clusterin has a role in neuronal maturation and it is unlikely to be associated exclusively with neuronal cell death. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.