The Experimental Application of Insecticides from a Helicopter for the Control of Riverine Populations of Glossina tachinoides in West Africa. IV. Evaluation of Insecticides Applied as Aerosols

The effects of aerosol dosages of different categories of insecticide were tested against Glossina tachinoides when applied by helicopter to riverine forest habitats of the River Komoe, Upper Volta, West Africa. The method of application, droplet characteristics of the aerosols and meteorological conditions are described in accompanying papers. Comparative trials based on field dosages calculated initially from dosage mortality curves obtained from topical application studies in the laboratory were carried out. Endosulfan applied at 5.4 g a.i./ha and 9.0 g a.i./ha reduced G. tachinoides populations (determined by Challier/Laveissière traps) by more than 90% in all age and sex categories and evidence is presented which indicates a residual effect at the higher of these dosages. Good results were also obtained with the synthetic pyrethroid decamethrin at a dosage of 0.36 g a.i./ha; another synthetic pyrethroid, permethrin, gave promising results at a dosage of 1.9 g a.i./ha. At the higher dosage of 4.3 g a.i./ha disappointing results were obtained, which were considered to be more attributable to a weakness in the application technique under challenging field conditions, than to a limitation of the insecticide. The organophosphate compounds tested, fenthion, azamethiphos and tetrachlorvinphos although known from laboratory tests to be appreciably toxic to G. tachinoides, performed poorly under field conditions. This was thought to be due to the formulations employed and the authors feel that further small-scale field testing of different formulations of these compounds is warranted. The compounds considered most worthy of larger scale field evaluation were endosulfan and permethrin. Although decamethrin was also very toxic to G. tachinoides it was considered inadvisable to field test this compound on a larger scale, until more information was available on its impact on aquatic food chains. The trials demonstrated that it is not always possible to extrapolate from laboratory-obtained comparative dosage/mortality data (in ng/fly) the field dosages of insecticides (in g a.i./ha) required to produce a certain level of mortality in target populations of G. tachinoides.

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