Studies on the Growth in Culture of Plant Cells

Techniques have been established which give reproducible yields of total and of free and bound polysoines from cultured sycamore cells liarvested at intervals throughout the cycle of growth followed in batch culture. High levels of polysoines build up in the cells during lag phase and persist into early exponential growth. Later in the growth cycle, although the ribosomal material per unit volume of culture continues to rise, the content per cell of ribosomes and polysomes progressively declines until the cells enter the stationary phase. There is also a characteristic pattern of change in the relative proportions of free and bound polysomes throughout the growth cycle of the cultures. Both fractions contain different but significant levels of ribosomal subunits and monomers. The RNAs released from the free polysoines had a greater amount of poly(A) sequences than that from the bound polysomes. These findings are discussed in relation to the changing metabolic activities of the cells which occur during their progress through batch culture.