Comparison of cognitive-behavioral and supportive-expressive therapy for bulimia nervosa

OBJECTIVE: The authors compared the effectiveness of 4 months (18 sessions) of cognitive-behavioral and supportive-expressive therapy for bulimia. METHOD: Sixty patients obtained from clinical referrals to an eating disorders program who met modified DSM-III-R criteria for bulimia nervosa were randomly assigned to the two conditions. Treatments were delivered in an individual format, on an outpatient basis, by experienced therapists using treatment manuals. The primary outcome measures were self-induced vomiting, binge eating, and attitudes toward body weight and shape, which were assessed by self- report and structured interview. RESULTS: Fifty patients completed treatment, 25 in each condition. Both treatments led to significant improvements in specific eating disorder symptoms and in psychosocial disturbances. Supportive-expressive therapy was just as effective as cognitive-behavioral therapy in reducing binge eating. Where treatment differences were found, they favored cognitive-behavioral therapy. Co...