The antennae and their sense organs in nymphs and adult roaches of Gromphadorhina brunneri, were investigated and described. The number of segments and sensillae of the nymphal antennae depend on the developmental stage. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced. Males have longer antennae than females as well as an abundance of especially long sensory hairs (long wavy hairs), which are probably responsible for the perception of female sex pheromones. They also have more thin‐walled sensory hairs, for instance, sensilla trichodea. On a morphological basis the sensillae of Gromphadorhina brunneri, were named and classified. Long wavy hairs and large sensory hairs appear to be present also in a related species, G. portentosa, but are lacking in others. Their distribution on the antennae varies greatly from that in G. portentosa but their structure varies only slightly. These two types of sense organs are considered to be specialized forms of sensilla chaetica. They are contact chemoreceptors, as are two other types of sensilla chaetica. Furthermore, thin‐walled chemoreceptors are present, such as sensilla trichodea, sensilla basiconica, sensilla coeloconica and a typical mechanoreceptor, the sensillum campaniformium.